Tardy and Late Sign-In
Student success is directly related to maintaining good attendance patterns at school. Administrators, proctors, teachers, students and parents must work together to ensure that students are present and on time to each class of the day. Only by working together will we be able to change a culture of tardiness. While there will be consequences for being tardy, there must also be support by each person in our school community to make sure that students get to class on time.
· Students in grades TK-5 arriving after the start of school, but not more than 30 minutes late, shall proceed straight to their class and will be marked as tardy.
· A parent or note from a parent must be present at time of sign in and state on the sign in sheet a valid excuse (see below) for that tardy to be excused.
· Student arriving more than 30 minutes late are considered truant and must sign into the attendance office in The Technology Building to change the truancy to a tardy.
Middle School & High School
· Students in grades 6-12 arriving after the start of school must check into the attendance office in the Technology Building before proceeding to class.
· In order for a tardy to be excused, either a note from a parent/guardian must be provided or a parent/guardian must be present at time of sign in and state a valid excuse on the sign in sheet (see list below).
· Once signed in, the student will receive a tardy slip and may then proceed to their assigned classroom.
Passing Periods
· Students with more than one instructor are expected to quickly move between classes so they are in their seat when the tardy bell rings.
· Only a staff member can excuse tardiness.
· A student with an excused tardy will present the valid tardy slip that is dated and signed by a staff member. If the student does not have a signed slip, they will be given an unexcused tardy regardless of the verbal excuse provided by the student.
Acceptable excuses for late arrival are:
- Illness
- Visitation to a medical office, clinic, doctor or dentist (note required from office)
- Funeral of an immediate family member
Quarantine of the home
All other excuses are not acceptable and will result in an unexcused tardy
At 15 tardies, all privileges to attend extra-curricular activities are suspended through the end of the semester. Activities include: Athletics, Cheerleading, ASB, Band, Choir, Senior Activities (e.g.-Grad Night), Dances (e.g.-Homecoming, Prom), Elementary After-School Electives.