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SSC - School Site Council

We want to congratulate our new elected SSC/ELAC members: 
Kathryn Lucas (Teacher)
Kristel Stocker (Teacher)
and welcome back our continuing serving members:
Varteni Krikorian (Administrator)
Jacqueline DeSantiago (School Psychologist)
Maria Fierro (Classified Staff)
April Vincent (Parent/Community Member)
Maya Rivas (Parent/Community Member)
Brandi Peterson (Parent/Community Member)
Elizabeth Chapman (Student)
Ruby Sandoval (Student)
Ward Halwani (Student)
We look forward to your collaboration!

Join Us!

(SSC) is a group of teachers, parents, administrators, and interested community members who work together to decide the focus of the school’s academic instructional programs and all related categorical resource expenditures for a school. For more info, call (760) 946-5414 ext: 302.

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