The registrar is the main source of student information at the AAE.
Please feel free to use the following documents as necessary:
Please feel free to use the following documents as necessary:
- Change of Address - this form is to be filled out whenever a change of address or telephone number occurs. It is critical to keep updated information on file with the school.
- Exit Interview - this form is for students who are leaving our school for whatever reason. It helps the staff to watch for trends that might be necessary to address as a staff.
- Transcript Request - this form is for parents and students to request an unofficial or official copy of student transcripts - primarily at the high school level. Please fill it out and drop it off with our registrar. Remember to allow plenty of time for the request to be filled.
- Dental Assessment Form - this form is for new kindergarten students. This form must be submitted to the registrar prior to the start of school.
- Kindergarten Health Examination Form - this form is for new kindergarten students. A health exam must be completed prior to starting school.
- Emergency Card Information for Next School Year - this form is for all students and is updated annually with the latest emergency contact information for each student.
- Medication Form - this form is for students who require the administration or the possession of medicine and is to filled out by the student's physician and parent/guardian.
- Photo Release Form - this form is for parents who do not wish their child's picture or information released for publication. Please fill it out and drop it off with our registrar.
- Charter School Complaint Form
- Waiting List Application