Registration and Enrollment
AAE requires all parents who desire admission to complete an application. Applications are available in English and Spanish as requested. Only completed applications will be considered. AAE accepts applications throughout the year for all existing grade levels.
The application can be filled out digitally and submitted in the following ways:
- Print and turn it in to the school registrar
- Fax it using the fax number on the application
- E-mail it to

Apple Valley residents must provide proof of residency, either a legal form of identification or a recent utility bill showing name and address.
Applications for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten for the upcoming school year will be accepted for students who will be school age eligible for those programs, typically once your child reaches the age of three.
In the event that any grade level has received more applications than availability, AAE will hold a public random drawing (lottery) three times a year to determine admission for the impacted grade level, with the exception of existing students, who are guaranteed admission for the following school year.
After submitting an application, parents/guardians will receive notification of the date of the next lottery. We encourage attendance at the lottery although it is not required. This is an opportunity to hear about the school, understand the lottery/wait list, and ask questions.
Admission preferences in the case of a public random drawing will be given to the following students in the following order:
- Siblings of students admitted to or attending AAE
- Children of LCER salaried-regular employees
- Children of all other LCER employees (employed in the position for a minimum of two consecutive school years)
- Students residing within the boundaries of AVUSD
- Students from San Bernardino County and contiguous counties only
- All other applicants
Any wait list for an existing grade level will roll over to the following year. It is your responsibility to notify the school if you change your address or phone number. Lists are purged periodically of families that we have not been able to reach over a period of time.
The online Wait List has four columns to help you search for your child’s place on the list:
- Rank – this is your child’s approximate place in line at a given point in time. Rank changes due to a variety of factors, such as sibling or employee children admission preferences being added or families no longer interested in enrolling.
- Lottery – this is the number of the lottery where you received your family number.
- Status – this refers to your child’s admission preference: S = Sibling, E = Employee child, A = AVUSD boundaries, O = Outlying communities (San Bernardino County and contiguous counties)
- Family Number – this is the permanent number you received at your lottery
You can search for your child’s place on the Wait List by entering the appropriate Class Of field, Lottery number, Status code, and Family Number.
For assistance, contact our Registrar at (760) 946-5414 ext 225 or